Ariel Toledano, 23 October 1949.Photo by Leo Reinfeld

Ariel Toledano, 23 October 1949.

Photo by Leo Reinfeld


As a photographer and film director, I have spent more than a third of my life composing and selecting images. With time, I became increasingly fascinated by the visual artifacts that arise by accident through the interplay of light and movement or during abrupt transitions between sequences. These images, considered by many to be merely ornamental, became central to my visual universe. Freed from their secondary role in representational art, they acquire a life of their own. Mysterious, atmospheric, and self-sufficient, they reveal hidden dimensions. By making these images the subject of my photographic stills, I have taken a turn towards pure abstraction. Images with no beginning or end in their reading as the paintings of Jackson Pollock where described by an art critic, words certainly not meant to be flattering, but which Pollock proved to be. In my case, it's an open invitation for people to interact with my work using their own imagination and sensitivity.

The portfolio "Dissolved Forms" is a photographic essay supported by experimental movements and hand gestures, specific changes of light and shadow during the shooting and total control over the camera mechanics with the aim to exalt human emotions through abstract images and poetic fiction.