Dissolving the Form Statement

Added on by Ariel Toledano.

"Dissolving the Form" is the title of a series of photographs which I like to refer using musical concepts since music is the purest abstract expression that achieves to move like no other art, "human emotions", and this is precisely what I would like to happen when people come into contact with my photographic work.

My visual search does not venture on the representativeness of the existing forms in nature. Rather, it focuses on the visual experience of capturing the resonance that occurs during the process of disintegration of these forms, which allows me to create images of abstract and poetic interest. An artwork that transforms fact into fiction as the result of my intervention, disrupting recognizable codes related to vision that we hold as natural to the human species as are the perception of time, space and motion. A process similar to taking raw sound from nature and transforming it into music, or describing in poetic language what prose cannot express and the eye cannot recognize.

 These images are exhibited as if it where a concert and are temporarily organized under the different curatorial energy of action.

An imaginary where form, color and line relate with rhythm and melody.